Videos of the International chorale competition CANTEMUS 2024 are out ! Enjoy !


Videos of the International chorale competition CANTEMUS 2024 are out ! Enjoy !

HAN composed by the contemporary talented composer Frieda Gustavs! That piece was re-arranged from her first HAN version 1.0 for us to fit it in the competition program. What a treat to be able to play contemporary music, stage it and do a premiere abroad!

Poulenc one of my favorite composer!

The Kodaly piece, Isten Kovácsa. This one I am particularly grateful for ! We won best interpretation of Kodaly piece with ! It is about God's blacksmith hammering a shoe horse! Enjoy! Thanks Bálint Kasza for your help with the pronunciation !

We spend a good year mastering this difficult arrangement of Las Amarillas with our younger singers but it was worth it ! If you are 12 years old and you can sing las amarillas with such confidence, what a great success!

János Köszöntö. I love that piece where you can feel the Hungarian’s generosity!



Trow back 2022

After Covid in 2022, we went to Neerpeld for an international choir festival and won Gold cum laude with our children choir! It was so much fun ! Souvenirs souvenirs! how time flies!


Music Makes You a Better Reader, says Neuroscience

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Music Makes You a Better Reader, says Neuroscience

Nina Kraus, director of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University and research collaborator on the Harmony Project has spent her life surrounded by music. And, today, she is studying how musical training can harness the brain’s natural plasticity, or adaptiveness, to help students become better overall students and readers, even when they grow up in impoverished environments.
“Music and language skills rely upon auditory processing. Although reading may not be thought of as a primarily auditory activity, its foundation rests on a child making sense of incoming auditory input in order to map speech sounds correctly on to orthographic representations,” says Kraus. “Many of the same aspects of sound processing that are deficient in children with language and learning impairments have been found to be strengthened in those who receive music training, and music-based interventions have demonstrated some success in the remediation of reading problems, too.”

Excerpt from article by Kayt Skukel.


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The children chorus sang with great energy in Carmen

Het Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor in de productie van Carmen bij de Nationale Opera. Foto:© De Nationale Opera,Bart Grietens


The critics said about us:

Heerlijk kinderkoor

In de koorscènes van soldaten, fabrieksmeisjes, smokkelaars en overige groepen speelt het Operakoor (ingestudeerd door  Lionel Sow) een belangrijke rol en zingt met geweldig élan. Heerlijk spontaan zingen de jongens en meisjes van het Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor (ingestudeerd door Anaïs de la Morandais) met schetterende stemmen het retteketet-koor om de marcherende soldaten te begeleiden, en demonstreren allerlei gevechtsgebaren.

Recording from 14 september for radio NPO4


Faust (working-Title)


Faust (working-Title)

I am very excited to participate in this project under Manoj Kamp and Lisenka Heijboer Castañon’s direction as this is not only the first one after months of no-performances but also because I will be on stage in a golden costume conducting Moon Bridge from Florence Price in a beautiful arrangement made by Meriç Artaç for children choir, piano, celesta and toy piano!

working title faust.png


Summer Project with NVA


Summer Project with NVA

The Covid 19 crisis took away a lot of our planed project with the Dutch National Opera like Carmen, Frau ohne Schatten and Mefistofele. Faust (working-title) is a stage concert will take part in and this is one of the song we will sing on stage in september 2020.





Saturday 28 September 2019, 19:00 - 23:00

NTR Opera Live NTR

Presentation: Hein van Eekert

In this broadcast

Complete operas from the large (inter) national opera houses, where possible directly. Pagliacci and Cavalleria rusticana, live and direct from National Opera and Ballet.


Musical Director: Lorenzo Viotti & Aldert Vermeulen

Stage Director: Robert Carsen

Orchestra: Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra

ChorusDutch: National Opera Chorus

Chorus Master: Ching-Lien Wu

Children's Chorus: Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor

Children's Chorus Master: Anaïs de la Morandais



October concert 2019 !!!!

October 12, 2019, 8:00 PM

Concert New Amsterdam Children's Choir
Sailing away A musical journey around the world

On Saturday 12 October, 28 talented singers from the Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor (9-11 years) invite you to take a musical journey around the world. Under the leadership of Anaïs de la Morandais, the top choir performs a number of well-known songs, such as America from West Side Story and a vocal version of Bach's famous Air. You will also hear some rarely performed songs in Europe, such as Order-e from the Philippines or Hana Wa Saku from Japan. The choir is accompanied by pianist Kimball Huigens and an instrumental ensemble.

The Nieuw Amsterdam Children's Choir is part of Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam. This is the largest extracurricular classical singing course in the Netherlands. With 350 enthusiastic students from the age of 4, this is the largest extracurricular classical singing course in the Netherlands. The NVA choirs are among the best in the Netherlands. Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam is the permanent children's choir partner of the National Opera & Ballet and the Conservatory of Amsterdam.
More information:

Tickets: € 19.50 (adults) / € 10 (children)
Snack & drink included.

Order a ticket via the button above and pay immediately with iDEAL. Or book your ticket in advance by emailing to (please state the desired number of tickets) and pay cash at the door.

flier october concert.jpg
